pauline stafford artinya
- pauline stafford
- stafford: stafford
- harry stafford: harry stafford
- james stafford: james stafford
- Pauline Stafford is Professor Emerita of Early Medieval History at Liverpool University in England.
Pauline Stafford adalah Profesor Emerita Sejarah Abad Pertengahan Awal di Universitas Liverpool di Inggris. - Alex Woolf concurs and Pauline Stafford describes ?thelfl?d as "the last Mercian queen", referred to in charters in such terms as "by the gift of Christ's mercy ruling the government of the Mercians".
Alex Woolf setuju; Pauline Stafford menyebutnya "ratu Mercia terakhir" dan mengutip redaksi-redaksi seperti "yang dengan rahmat Kristus memerintah bangsa Mercia" dalam berbagai piagam. yang mengacu kepada ?thelfl?d.